学 术 报 告
报告题目:Counting representation, partition functions, and Zeta functions
报告人:林宗柱教授(KansasState University, USA)
摘要: It is known that the Riemann Zeta function, whichis an in nite series, can be written as in nite product. Generating functionsof many interesting in nite sequences have nice in nite product decompositions.For example the generating function of partition functions can be written as innite product. This phenomenon appears nationally in representation theory suchas the characters of Verma modules of a Kac-Moody Lie algebra. The quantumanalog of this is given by counting representations of quivers. I will use theseexamples to illustrate the Kac Conjectures and how the proof of the conjecturewill involve geometry and representations of Kac-Moody Lie algebras.
报告人简介: 林宗柱,美国堪萨斯州立大学教授, 国际代数学界知名专家,曾任美国科学基金会NSF小组评审专家。